Thursday 15 March 2012

I think I may be about to be hit by a new obsession...

So. I like salad. In years past I've picked up a couple of those 'designer' salad bags from the supermarket per week, and thought how expensive it is for little bits of different coloured leaves. Last year I had (quite a half-hearted) go at growing lettuce for salad, but I sadly neglected my little leaves and we only had a few salads out of it.

This year I re-read my copy of 'Taste of the Unexpected' and was determined to have fresh salad leaves growing all through the summer, and stick to my good intentions about successional sowing, and actually watering and harvesting them. I decided to have a go at micro leaves (where you sow lots of seeds, indoors, and then harvest when the seedlings are a couple of weeks old - it apparently gives a really fresh, intense flavour, and I've sown some coriander and rocket seeds as my first go at this, and am eagerly awaiting results). I've also put some oriental leaves outside, which are just sprouting, and should make some punchy, peppery salads. Somewhere, on somebody's blog, I read about doing this with pea shoots. I have a huge abundance of peas to sow, donated by relatives, and my garden is very small, so this is a great way of using them up and not just having them sit around for years waiting to be used.

Then, just minutes ago, I read this blog post:

Not only does it give beautiful, detailed instructions on how to best grow pea shoots for salads indoors, but apparently it's part of a year-round salad leaves challenge. It makes me want to race home from work and sow stuff immediately! Thrilling.

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